Raw Dessert Recipes You Will LOVE

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You may be thinking I’ve lost my marbles with this raw dessert recipes post, but the truth is you can make some amazing and delicious desserts using raw ingredients. Whether it’s carrot cake or truffles, you can enjoy a sinful-tasting dessert that you and your family are going to love.

Raw Dessert Recipes

Raw Dessert Recipes

Raw Vegan Carrot Cake 

If you love the spicy taste of carrot cake, you’re going to love this recipe. Not only does it have the spicy flavor that you love, but it’s also got a maple frosting that blends beautifully with the spices. Something you’re also love is that you can make this cake look absolutely gorgeous by decorating with dried pineapple shaped into flowers.

Raw Chocolate Superfood Tart

Who doesn’t love a smooth decadent chocolate tart? What you may not have gotten from other chocolate tarts was the heart healthy benefits of this delicious raw dessert. While this dessert is heart healthy, thanks to the inclusion of different nuts, you’d never eat it and think of it as being health food.

Chocolate Truffles

Chocolate truffles – they’re one of the most decadent, delicious candies you can enjoy. They also make an amazing gift. If you want something that’s healthy, but tastes decadent, you’re going to love this recipe. Made with dates and bittersweet chocolate, this is a recipe you’ll never feel guilty about.

Raw Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake 

Okay, there are desserts that will make you drool simply by looking at the pictures. This Raw Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake is going to have you licking your lips and rushing to the grocery store to buy the ingredients. This is one of those things you have to see to believe. However, you’ll never believe that this is a raw or vegan dessert and neither will anyone you serve it to.

Healthy Snickers Pie

Do you miss eating Snickers candy bars? This pie will give you the flavors you love with zero guilt. This recipe is raw, vegan, gluten and grain free, and even free of refined sugars. It’s definitely like having your cake and eating it too.

Just because you’re on a raw diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some decadent dessert. Whether you love the flavor of candy bars or want something you can make and give to friends and family, these raw dessert recipes are sure to be a big hit.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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