Review & Giveaway: Crunchmaster Gluten Free Snacks

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Crunchmaster Gluten Free Snacks

Gluten Free?

Going gluten free seems to be kind of the “in” thing theses days. It’s hard to know if it’s just a fad or really something healthy.

For me, I’ve discovered that it’s really something healthy. I’ve struggled my entire adult life with IBS. It’s hard to know what is going to trigger it and how long an “episode” will last.

About a year ago I started seeing a nutritionist. She recommended that I give gluten free living a try. I felt so much better.


it’s not easy to stick to a gluten free diet and almost impossible to get your kids to follow it.

So when I came across the chance to review Crunchmaster’s new gluten free snacks for kids…I jumped at it.


When I do a review I usually try to incorporate pictures of us using the products. This time I didn’t get a chance.

As soon as I opened the box, my kids descended like a swarm of grasshoppers. That first day they asked for more THREE times before I finally just had to put a stop to it.

I tried to hide the Crunchmaster snacks so we’d have some left for lunches, but they remembered and asked for them.

We tried both the cheezy and the cinnamon & sugar and they loved both kinds, but said that the cheezy was their favorite.

You can find these yummy crackers at your local Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, Whole Foods or Sprout’s.

And if you click here you can find a coupon for $1 off your purchase.

The wonderful people at Crunchmaster have agreed to give one lucky winner a six pack of crackers! (I’m totally jealous…we only got a 2 pack!)

Be sure to follow the rules when you enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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