Saturday Laughs

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kids play dog catcher
They thought this was hilarious!


Time for my weekly post about all the funny things my kids did this week and then link up with the other moms over at The Mommyhood Chronicles.

We had kind of a rough week.

We started back into doing school work and that was tough. Plus both boys seem to be in a “control” phase. We have had tons of fights this week about lots of little things (getting in the car, getting out of the car, putting on pants…). I think Connor’s gone to time out more this week than he has his entire life! He’s also eating a lot…must be a growth spurt!

My kids LOVE animals…especially dogs.

In this picture you can see that Connor has the poor little Min. Schnauzer, Scarlett, on a leash. He has been playing “dog catcher” for the last couple of days. He catches her then drags her around the house with him asking everyone if they’re willing to adopt her.

If you say yes, he gives you a lecture about not letting your dog run loose without tags. He finishes his lecture by saying “Be sure and call me if you have any more trouble!”

If you say no, he takes her and locks her in his room. Really hard to choose which to say…she’s been a bit yappy lately lately and if she’s in the “pound” then I don’t have to hear her bark.

Then Connor got creative.

They tried to convince me to go to the store to buy them a butterfly net (not really something easily found in January) so they could catch the dogs.

They took their butterfly house and started chasing the dogs trying to catch them. They, of course, got in trouble for that.

He then convinced Evan to be the dog. He told him to run and then he chased him and “caught” him with the net.

They think it’s hysterical!

I guess I’ll let it go until someone starts crying.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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