Saturday Laughs

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fun at Target

Time for our Saturday Laughs where we link up with our friend over at The Mommyhood Chronicles and check out all the funny things our kids did in the last week.

Looks like maybe it might be a good week to post funny Facebook posts.

Evan has been trying to figure out what it means for words to rhyme..

Sweet little Evan brings me a blanket and I say “Thank you. Did you bring me a blanket?” Evan: “Yes, but first you need to solve my riddle…does puke and poop rhyme?”

I hadn’t been to Costco in over a month and we were totally out of meat…so I had to go…

I’ve just got to do it…off to Costco! If you don’t hear from me in 3 hours…send help!

My 3 yr old spends most of his day asking me to take the heads off of Lego men…

My house looks like a serial killer lives here…Lego heads and body parts scattered all over. I think I have a little Dexter in the house.

You gotta do with what you have…

I’m out of creamer for my coffee so I used the kid’s Quik…not too bad! Maybe I don’t need to go buy more creamer!

And the last one…

SH!T just ran over a bunny

And when Evan asked “What was that?” I answered “I don’t know.”

How was your week?


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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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