Shushybye Baby DVD Review & Giveaway

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no sleep for mom

Sleep? What’s That?

My oldest son is not a good sleeper (still at almost 5)…and that’s a massive understatement!

He’s always been too busy to sleep…even as an infant. I remember spending the first year of his life AS his bed. He would not sleep anywhere but next to or ON me. Nap time was the worst though. I would have to hold his head down on my shoulder and sit and rock him to sleep. Then I wouldn’t be able to move until he woke up. I managed to get a system that worked for us. I would get the remote, my computer, a drink, go to the bathroom, open the back door so the dogs could go in and out and then settle on the couch with him and begin the “mommy enforced nap time.” It was rough!

Bedtime seemed to be a little easier once he turned one and we convinced him that his crib was not a prison, but a nice place to sleep. We gave him a bath and read books and rocked him…sometimes it worked, but sometimes it didn’t.

When he was about 17 months old he discovered the TV and the live action movie “Underdog.” It was a strange show for a toddler to be attached to (we have a beagle and the movie stars a beagle). And I will admit that we used this new found love selfishly and often…mostly to eat without having to chase after him.

But Isn’t TV Bad For Them?

I know there are lots of  studies and recommendations out there that say that TV is not good for a toddler. But in my honest opinion, as a mom and an educator, I disagree. I do believe that too much TV is bad for everyone, but there are MANY, MANY educational shows out there that provide exposure to topics in ways that books and discussions just can’t.

At around age 2, my son learned to name many different species of dinosaurs by watching TV. He learned to identify the ABC’s in 2 weeks by watching TV….at 25 months. You cannot convince me that all TV is bad for children. As the parent, you must monitor what they watch and how much time they spend watching it, just like you monitor what they eat and how much they eat.

shushybye baby dvd

Shushybye Baby

Recently I was given a 3 DVD set of a children’s show Shushybye Baby. We had never seen this show before so it was fun to watch something new (that wasn’t a Lego YouTube video).
These videos are perfect to add into a bedtime routine for the 3 and under crowd (wish I’d had these 4 yrs ago). Each episode is right around 10 minutes long so it won’t add much time to your routine, but will allow your child time to settle and begin to think about sleep.

Each DVD set includes 26 episodes with 60 original songs…which are actually quite catchy and enjoyable for the whole family (you know those songs that stick in your head and make you want to beat your head on the wall to get rid of them…these are nothing like that) and is a great deal at $29.98.

Even though my kids are on the upper end of the target audience, they sat right down when I started the DVD. My 3 yr old sat and watched the entire episode, but it was my almost 5 yr old that was humming the tunes at bedtime.

One lucky reader will receive a free copy of the new Shushybye Baby3 DVD set. Please enter below to win. And while you wait for the giveaway to be over, you can check out the new season of Shushybye Baby on the BabyFirst channel (available on DirecTV, Dish Network and Comcast).

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What kind of bedtime routine do you have for your child?






Disclosure: I received a free copy of the Shushybye Babye DVD set to facilitate this review. But all opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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