Side Effects of Artificial Food Coloring

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Those pretty colors found in many candy stores can certainly make your mouth water. Did you know that some countries have actually banned the colors that make these treats so colorful? It’s true.

Compare European candy with American candy and you’ll see a huge difference. European candy is made with colors derived from fruits and vegetables, while American candy is mostly made with artificial food coloring. Let’s explore some of the side effects of artificial food coloring.

Side Effects of Artificial Food Coloring

Side Effects of Artificial Food Coloring


Some people have problems with artificial food coloring. One of those problems is the body not being able to process the color. This can result in feces being bright red or green after consuming foods that contain a lot of food coloring, such as dyed drinks.

Those that are sensitive can also experience headaches, stomach aches, nausea, hives and eczema, and even breathing problems. Because these dyes are in so many foods, it can be hard to determine that artificial food coloring may be the issue.

Behavioral Changes

The FDA has actually acknowledged that artificial food coloring can cause behavioral changes in some children. These behavioral changes include ADHD and hyperactivity. They are unsure what a safe amount of artificial food coloring is or if one even exists.

If you have a child that has behavioral problems, cutting these food dyes from your child’s diet may eliminate the need for medication. Other behavioral changes that may be the cause of artificial food coloring include sleep problems, mood swings, and aggression.

Possible Link to Cancer

One of the major reasons other countries have banned artificial food coloring is that some use the chemical benzene. Benzene is a carcinogen and is found in Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6. These dyes are in more than just candy. You can find artificial food coloring in everything from cheese to flavored corn chips.

Estrogen-Like Effects

Certain artificial food coloring (Yellow 5 and 6) act the same way as estrogen in the body. High consumption of estrogen can cause breast cancer, a lowered male sex drive, and melasma.

Should you cut artificial food coloring from your and your family’s diet? That’s up to you. However, you must remember that there’s a reason so many other countries to have banned these food dyes. If your family has experienced any of these problems with no explanation, you may want to consider limiting or eliminating artificial food coloring from their diet.

How do you limit artificial food coloring in your house?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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