Simple Healthy Breakfast Recipes

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One of the hardest parts of parenting is getting my kids to eat a healthy breakfast.

We’re running out the door to school (or camp if it’s summer) and it’s easy to hand them a bag of cereal or a waffle to eat in the car.

But this year…I’m going to vow to do better! These 13 simple healthy breakfast recipes will help keep our kids fueled for the day!

Simple Healthy Breakfast Recipes - Give your kids the healthy breakfast they need to have a successful school day.

Simple Healthy Breakfast Recipes

This year I’ll have two going to the “big” school – one in Kinder and one in 2nd grade. But that means the 3 year old has to get up an hour and a half early and spend loads of time in the car before going to preschool herself.

So we all need to get something in our bellies or we’re gonna be WICKED (honestly the 3 yr old doesn’t wake up so food is just a momentary distraction from her wickedness…lol).

Carrie has 13 super easy simple healthy breakfast ideas that I KNOW you are going to love!

Click here to find these 13 Super Easy Breakfast Ideas

And if you need some smoothie ideas, just click the image to check these out:

Apple Cinnamon Smoothie C


Orange Pear Smoothie C


Vanilla Blueberry Smoothie Recipe | Play 2 Learn with Sarah


Be sure and follow me on Pinterest for more great recipe ideas:


Visit Sarah Kostusiak’s profile on Pinterest.

What do your kids like to eat for breakfast?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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