Sleepless Nights? Try These 5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep

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If they did a movie about my life the last few years, it might be called Sleepless in Austin. Which is really weird because I used to be able to sleep VERY soundly.

I rarely get more than 5 hours sleep a night…even when I’m actually in bed trying to sleep for 8 hours.

I’ve kicked everyone and everything out of the bedroom, turned off the monitor and still I can’t sleep.

It’s horrible. It’s affected my focus, my energy and my mood!

Here are a few things that I have done to try and help me get to sleep.

Sleepless Nights? 5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

5 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep

1. Block Outside Noise – In our room, I use a fan. I’ve slept with a fan in my room since college. When we travel I use an app that makes the same noise if we’re not in a hotel room that makes enough noise. I got Maddi an awesome white noise machine since the boys are usually playing right outside her room. I’m thinking of getting myself one too.

2. Cut Caffeine by 4pm – Personally this is a hard one. I’m tired so I drink coffee in the morning. I’m still tired, so I switch to tea in the afternoon. I can’t sleep because I’ve had too much caffeine and the cycle starts again the next day. But when I make an effort to really curb the caffeine by 4pm, I definitely have an easier time falling asleep.

3. Read a Book – I LOVE to read and I listen to many, many books, but if I actually find time to sit down and read…I fall right asleep. Works every time! And try to use a real book – the light from your tablet could be contributing to your lack of sleep.

4. Keep the Room Cold & Dark – I love to sleep with a big downy comforter, but in the summer in TX that’s not really such a great idea. I always turn the thermostat down at night to make it as cool as possible (without freezing the children or breaking the A/C). I also try to block out all the light. I have black out curtains on all the kids’ windows.

5. Try an All Natural Sleep-Aid – If all else fails, try a natural sleep-aid to help get you back on track. One I like is Glysonna. Glysonna is an all natural, drug-free sleep aid that helps you to fall asleep by triggering relaxation, sustaining sleep and initiating the natural sleep process.

What do you do to help on sleepless nights?

P2L SignatureDisclosure: I received a complimentary bottle of Glysonna to facilitate this review, but all opinions are 100% my own.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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