Sources of Vitamin C

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Consuming sources of vitamin C is very crucial, especially during the winter months.

Our bodies use vitamin C for a lot of different things including protecting our cells from damage, boosting our immune system, preventing cardiovascular disease and it even helps keep those wrinkles at bay. Usually our first thought we have when we hear the words vitamin C is oranges. Although oranges do have vitamin C, there are other ways to fill your vitamin C quota for the day.

Take a look at our list and make sure to integrate these options into your diet to keep your vitamin C levels plentiful for all of those lovely germs you encounter throughout the winter.

Sources of Vitamin C - It's important to keep your immune system in shape during the Winter months. These sources of vitamin C will help keep you and your family healthy.

Sources of Vitamin C

Bell Peppers: Slice some up and keep them in individual bags or containers so they are ready to be thrown into a lunch or a quick snack. Or you could make these Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers for dinner.

Kale: This powerhouse veggie is packed full of vitamin C as well as vitamins A and K. You can use kale in smoothies like this delicious Peacock Kale Smoothie.

Broccoli: Those little trees are a great source of vitamin C. You can make this Skinny Broccoli Salad for lunch. My kids gobble up broccoli when you steam some on the stove and top it with cheddar cheese.

Strawberries: One of my favorite fruits! I keep a large bag of frozen strawberries in my freezer during the off season. This makes for a quick way to make a strawberry and banana smoothie. Throw a handful of berries into the blender with a chopped up banana, some yogurt, and milk for the perfect vitamin boost. Great way to load the kiddos up with vitamins too.

Brussel Sprouts: Although these veggies are not on the all time favorite vegetable to eat list, I urge you to give them a try. This Brussel Sprouts with Bacon dish is one of my favorites to make. Simple yet very flavorful.

Mangoes: Another super food that offers so much more than just vitamin C. My favorite way to eat mango is by slicing it into spears. I keep them on hand just as I do the bell peppers, prepared and sliced and held within baggies for a quick grab and go bite to eat. They also taste amazing on top of a green salad.

Supplements: If you, or your kids, do not consume enough fruits and vegetables you can take a supplement. For the kids, I keep this Liquid Vitamin C on hand. It is a great way to add a boost to your smoothies but also good enough to take in a dose all by itself.

I also make sure that we get take a whole food multi-vitamin supplement, Nature’s Dynamics Berry Garden Gummies, to make sure all our other levels are where they should be too.

What sources of vitamin C do you depend on to keep your levels up? 

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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