St. Patrick’s Day Pattern Printable

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With the kids home for Spring Break this week, I’ve been trying to come up with some fun activities for them to do.

We’ve been to the zoo, had play dates with school friends and gone to the local toy store, but I want them to use their brains a bit too.

So I’ve come up with a new St. Patrick’s Day printable to keep them busy…for whole 3 minutes! LOL But if you put it together with my other St. Patrick’s Day printables…you might keep them busy for 10 whole minutes!

St Patrick's Day Printables | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

St. Patrick’s Day Printables

Preschool Bingo Cards –  A couple of weeks ago I made 4 different St. Patrick’s Day preschool bingo cards.

Writing Prompts – Then last week I made 3 different St. Patrick’s Day writing prompts.

St. Patrick's Day Pattern Match | Play 2 Learn with SarahClick the image to download.

This week I made this fun St. Patrick’s Day pattern printable that was a hit with all the preschoolers I showed it to…and good cutting practice too!

We also read some fun St. Patrick’s Day books today:

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Top O’The Clubhouse (Kindle version only $2.99)

Twas the Night Before St. Patrick’s Day (Kindle version only $2.29)

I’m having soooo much fun creating these fun printables. Hopefully I can find equally cute Easter graphics!

St Patrick's Day Pinterest BoardFollow my St. Patrick’s Day Pinterest board for more fun ideas!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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