Star Wars Breakfast

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If you were a kid (ever) or have kids, then Star Wars is probably in the top 10 all-time favorites at your house.

(I actually remember going to the theater to see Star Wars when it came out…does that age me? LOL)

Star Wars Breakfast - The Star Wars fan in your house will love you forever if you make them this for breakfast.

Star Wars Breakfast

Carrie at has done it again…is this not THE most creative breakfast recipe you’ve ever seen?

My kids hate hash browns and they LOVED this breakfast…not sure how much they really ate though…I think they just played with it.

AND…I know for a fact that THE original Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) has actually tweeted out a picture of her Chewbacca hash browns (how cool is that?)

Any way…be sure to click the link below to read the entire post and check out the Jabba the Hutt hash browns.

Click Here to Read About Star Wars Breakfast

More Star Wars Ideas:

Star Wars Crafts for Kids

Star Wars Salt Dough Ornaments

Free Printable Star Wars Valentine’s

Host a Star Wars Birthday Party

Be sure to follow my Star Wars Pinterest Board for tons more ideas:

Follow Sarah Kostusiak’s board Star Wars on Pinterest.
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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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