Book Activities: Sylvester and the Magic Pebble #BookaDayinMay

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This is my first children’s book activities post in our new #BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge (there are a few giveaways to go with it too) that I’m doing with my blogging buddies at and

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Book Activities | Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

My first book choice is Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig (the author of Shrek). Not only is this book a Caldacott Medal winner, but it’s also been banned in parts of the US. I dug out my old copy to share with the kids…it still has a $.99 Goodwill price tag on it…a total find! Sylvester is a donkey who likes to collect pebbles. One Summer day he finds a really pretty red one and he quickly figures out that this is a magic pebble. On his way home, he encounters a lion and he gets so scared that he quickly wishes he was a rock. Sylvester’s parents get very worried when he doesn’t come home that night. They look and look for him, but cannot find him. Sylvester remains a rock through each of the coming seasons. The next Spring his parents try to cheer themselves up by going on a picnic. They find a nice big rock to sit on…and next to the rock is a red pebble that they think Sylvester would have loved. And just like that…Sylvester is back!

Book Activities

1. Make Your Own Magic Pebble – When I read this book to my former First Grade class, we then made our very own magic pebbles. Have your kids go out and find a nice pebble and then paint it red. It’s a fun memento to keep of the story.

2. What Would You Wish For? – Ask you kids to talk about what they might wish for and why. They can draw a picture of their wish and write a sentence or two (or you can write it for them) to explain it.

3. Talk About the Seasons – Sylvester spends an entire year as a rock. Have the kids draw pictures of Sylvester in each of the seasons.

4. Water Bead Activity – Helen over at The Handley Home did a fun water bead activity after they read this story.

 Books by William Steig

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble


Doctor De Soto

Amos & Boris

Brave Irene

#BookaDayinMay Instagram Challenge | Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Join me tomorrow for the next book, The Monster Bed.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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