The Gro-Project: Toyrarium

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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Gro-Project: Toyrarium

Let’s Get Dirty

Connor loves dirt, dinosaurs and, strangely enough, cacti.

So when I came across this Toyrarium project from Miracle-Gro, I knew this would be right up his alley.

The Gro-Project: Toyrarium

Miracle-Gro has a whole list of project ideas that are fast and fun that you can find on Facebook called The Gro Project or on their website, Miracle-Gro, where there is an extensive library full of tips for everyone from the beginner to the advanced gardener.

We decided to do the one called a Toyrarium since it had 3 of Connor’s favorite things in it (but they have a ton of fun garden projects on Pinterest that you should check out too).

The Gro-Project Toyrarium


Fish bowl

Moisture Control Potting Mix


Small rocks

Plastic toys



1. Have the kids place a few handfuls of small rocks on the bottom of the bowl.

2. Fill the bowl 1/3 – 1/2 full of Moisture Control Potting Mix. (I let the boys take turns putting in the soil…it made a mess, but cut down on the fighting.)

3. Use the spoon to dig a little hole.

4. Take the cactus out of the container and loosen the roots a bit.

5. Place the cactus in the hole and cover with dirt as needed.

6. Repeat as necessary (we each got our own plant to put in ours).

7. Place your dinosaurs (or other toys) in where desired.

8. Give it a little water using a spray bottle(and don’t forget to give it a little spray at least once a week).

9. Place it somewhere where everyone can enjoy it.

The boys thought this was a fun project and it was really very easy. We’ve gotten cacti a few times before, but never had any luck keeping them alive. I’m hopeful this little project will help us keep these around this time.

You can also check out this video to find out more about The Gro-Project.

Which project do you think your kids would like best?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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