The Healing Properties of Chamomile Tea

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Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research into natural home remedies. I feel like there’s so many chemicals in the world that we are exposed to every day, that I need to find ways to limit that exposure.

We’ve all become so accustomed to just popping a pill that we’ve forgotten there are long proven natural remedies that will do the same thing with much fewer chemicals and side effects.

The healing properties of chamomile tea have a long proven record. Chamomile was used in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome because of it’s anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Those properties still exist today and can be easily used in your home.

the healing properties of chamomile tea - chamomile has been used for thousands of years for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. It's easy to use daily.

Healing Properties of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is one of those all around awesome herbs to keep around. It’s benefits include:

Relaxation – Drinking chamomile tea 30-60 minutes before bed can help you sleep better. You can also diffuse the essential oil in the room to help your children settle into a good night’s sleep.

Aid Digestion – By drinking a cup of chamomile tea after a meal, you can help reduce inflammation of the digestive tract and reduce heartburn. and if you suffer from more severe digestive tract issues, chamomile tea has also been show helpful for ulcers and IBS.

Relive Muscle Cramps – Due to it’s calming qualities, chamomile tea can help reduce menstrual and/or stomach cramps. Also used topically, it can be applied to other muscle cramps and has been shown to bring relief. It can also help with headaches especially if taken at the first signs.

Help Immune System – Because of it’s anti-bacterial qualities, drinking chamomile tea daily can actually help you stay healthy…and if you’re sick, it can help you battle those nasty germs.

Reduce Inflammation – Chamomile also has anti-inflammatory properties making it a great herb to apply to burns, rashes and wounds. Just dip a wash cloth into some chamomile tea (or keep the essential oil on hand) and place on the skin to reduce inflamed skin.

tips for growing chamomile

Tips for Growing Chamomile

These sites have tips for growing chamomile – both the Roman and German varieties. It appears to be very hearty and does well in most soil and water conditions.

Balcony Container Gardening  – Although some of the other sites say it doesn’t do well in containers, this one says it does.

Herb Gardening – This one gives lots of specifics to help you yield the best results possible.

Gardening Know How – This one gives directions for growing chamomile indoors.

Be sure to buy your chamomile seeds, essential oil or tea mix from a reputable place. You want to be sure that you are getting the highest quality product so you get the most health benefits from it. I trust Mountain Rose Herbs.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve completely fallen in love with the healing properties of chamomile tea. This is one herb that I think I will keep on hand at all times.

Do you use chamomile tea at home?

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For more information on the benefits of chamomile tea, go to:



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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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