This Is My Life

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My name is Sarah and I’m addicted to Facebook. Some days I post every hour.

But in my defense it’s one of my few outlets into the real world (well, as real as FB can be).

If we’re friends on FB, then you know what I mean. They do and say things that just aren’t right. But in Facebook-land many people find their shenanigans funny. So I thought I’d start sharing some of my more recent posts…and I promise to go back and find some of the more classic ones. I promise I did not embellish these. These were all actual posts from my FB wall from the last month. (I may have changed names to protect the not-so-innocent).

My recent FB posts

I just heard Dave say this to Boo Boo while baking in the kitchen…”You can’t pick your nose while baking cookies!” Reason #1 why I rarely cook with my children!

Boo Boo wore his horseback riding helmet ALL DAY! I had to explain that he didn’t have anything wrong with him to a few people…he’s just really into horses these days. Lol

Boo Boo: “(the beagle) Sophie’s acting like a baby cow. She’s looking for an udder on Bodie!”

The boys are feeding the dogs alphabet soup to see if they’ll talk. Too much PBS!

The neighbor’s dog just jumped thru the fence (little dog), pooped in our yard and ran back! Did he train it to do that?

Cops outside speeding up and down street and now helicopter!
(never did find out what happened here, but it happened again a week later…during the day the 2nd time)

Good…convinced the boys it was bed time an hour early! Bad…came down to find the dog standing on the kitchen table!

I’m sitting on the couch downstairs and I can hear Dave snoring from bed. It’s gonna be another sleepless night for me!

Just lead a whole 2 hr meeting with a horse sticker on my hand!

Drury Inn leaves you a little “something” extra with your coffee!
(We went to SA for a bar mitzvah and found a small bag of pot in our coffee maker!)

We are on the fastest highway in the US and there’s a sign about wildlife crossing. That’s not good!

At the end of the day, I have to admit that I feel a little guilty for not intervening more when Boo Boo decided it was time to teach the dogs how to get dressed. They run fast. They survived!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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