Kids in the Kitchen: Tiff’s Treats

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Tiff's Treats

Field Trip

Today turned into a field trip day!

Connor announced last night that he wanted to go see dinosaur bones in a museum today.

Ummm…we don’t really have that kind of thing here in Austin. You have to go to Dallas or Houston…and I wasn’t about to spend 6 hours in the car to indulge today’s whim.

Then we volunteered to cover the Meals on Wheels route again today so we were already out of the house (which is difficult most days). I started looking around and found that the Texas Memorial Museum on the UT campus has a few dinosaur bones. We have a winner!

We headed downtown and found the museum. It was small so by 1pm we were done and ready for lunch.

Special Treat

We headed back up and stopped at Jason’s Deli…and noticed that there was a Tiff’s Treats next door.

I, being the good mom that I am, immediately bribed my kids by saying that if they finished their lunches, then we’d get a cookie.

They did…and we did.

I’d never been in there. It was just a little store designed for pick up but they have a case (as you see) of fresh baked cookies ready to go!

The boys picked their favorite and sucked them down.

I’ll have you know…I declined! I am working on eating gluten free and sugar free (again) and I stuck to it and had a salad for lunch and NO cookie!

Any way, I’m definitely going to have to remember that this is so close when it’s time to send gifts!

Check out what else is going on with Kids in the Kitchen by clicking this image below.

What did you do today?

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Disclosure: I was not compensated in anyway for this post, but if you’d like to send some cookies our way…we’d eat them!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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