Top 3 Most Used Apps

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I will admit that we are completely addicted to our iPhones and iPads…even the kids know how to work them and use them on a daily basis.

So I thought that I’d post about our Top 3 Most Used Apps.


Hands down…Netflix would have to be the #1 most used app in our house. We use it on the main tv to watch kids’ shows. We use it on the iPad to watch more kids’ shows. We use it on my phone at the dr’s office to watch more kids’ shows so that we’re able to survive the waiting. And, if you’ve been following me on FB, you’ll know that I’ve been using it to watch Pretty Little Liars. (Which if you haven’t seen you MUST…you knew I’d eventually work PLL into my blog!)




Teach Me is a great collection of educational apps. They have 4 apps geared towards Toddlers, Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade. The kids work through addition and subtraction problems as well as phonics/spelling and sight words. (We’ve done the Kinder and 1st grade ones, but I think the Toddler one covers colors and shapes too.) In the k-2 apps the kids get a coin for each correct answer they give. Once they’ve earned three coins, they get to go to the “store” and purchase different rewards. My kids LOVE to play with this and are motivated by the coins and getting to spend them. I make them “earn” 3 coins each day so that I know that they’re getting at least a little bit of practice with math/reading skills. The bonus is that they’ve started to figure out money too, since they know they have to earn a certain number of coins to buy the different prizes. I LOVE this one!



Stack the States is a seriously fun app that teaches the kids (and the parents) about the 50 states. It reviews learning the states’ names, capitals, abbreviations, locations, nicknames and much more. If you get the answer correct, then you get the state. You click on the state and drop it and then it goes into your “stack.” You need to build a stack of states to hit the line in order to win that round. But, be careful, if the state hits at an awkward angle it will bounce off and fall into nothingness and you will lose it. This one requires that you can read in order to read the clues, but I did figure out how to get to the settings screen and you can adjust what kinds of clues it gives you (I usually set it to just map and abbreviation for the boys.)

Those are our top 3 apps that we use pretty much on a daily basis. I have some more that I really like that I will recommend in a later post.

What are some of your favorite apps?




Disclaimer: None of these are affiliate links. Just apps that we love.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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