Training Call #3 – Party Time

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Training Call 3Tonight’s call focused on the actual party.

I suggested that you partner up with a fellow playologist to observe how they do their parties and have them observe you too!

Also work on your “I” story…why did you choose to start a SimplyFun business, why does it work for you, what are the benefits.

Get to know the product…play the games! If you don’t have the games, then watch the videos of how to play the games that the company posts with most product descriptions. Also trade games with your fellow teammates. Have game nights together and help each other learn the social, emotional and academic skills covered in each game.

Review the Party Sequence in our Simply Fun-atics group…invite your friends over for a mock party and ask them to give you constructive feedback. Practice, practice, practice and don’t be afraid to take cue cards with you…it shows that you are not perfect and that anyone can be a member of our team!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and I’ll talk to you again on June 3rd!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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