Training Calls – Scheduling & Gardening

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gardening-gift.jpgWOW!  When I signed up to be a SimplyFun consultant back in mid-October of 2011, I never realized the impact it would have on my life.

I have learned so much from each interaction I have with every person on my team and my customers. I have learned a lot about blogging and the direct sales business.

My passion during my first career as a teacher was educating and training. I’m lucky to be able to help educate parents on ways to help their children learn while playing. And now I’m very excited to be able to bring my passion for training into my second career with SimplyFun.

I have been working with Lynsey Jones, The Party Plan Coach, on time management and ways to grow my business. She has encouraged me to use her training materials to help my team find ways to manage their time and grow their businesses too. Lynsey has been in the direct sales business a long time and has lots of training available and a forum where you can ask questions and get ideas from other Party Plan Divas. You can find out more here.

Here is my first recorded call. I talk about Lynsey’s 6-Week System, weekly schedules, and gardening (ideas for growing your business).

Training Call 1 & 2 5-16-12

Also the picture at the top is my first attempt at a Gardening Gift. I can pretty much guarantee that it is not my last attempt. I’d love to hear what y’all decide to put in yours. Mine has a business card, a Top 10 flier, a Farkle score sheet, a box of dice and Snickers and Laffy-Taffy.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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