Valentine Candy Heart Ornament

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Valentine Candy Heart Ornament

So I was thinking this weekend that I needed to come up with a cute, original Valentine’s gift for Connor’s teacher.

I was totally inspired by my friend Carrie’s Candy Heart Wreath, but everything I tried….fell short.

Then the kids started playing with the candy hearts (check out my post on Fri for exactly what they were doing) and eventually started eating them…so I had to think fast.

That’s when I saw the ornament still sitting next to my computer (yes I know…don’t judge) and I thought, “I bet I could shove candy hearts in there!”

And guess what?


I had a couple of those plastic ornaments left over and I just started shoving candy hearts in.

Then I thought it needed a bit of sparkle, so I dumped some glitter in.

Then I found my white paint pen and wrote on it.

I was feeling sooooo crafty!

I showed my husband and Connor.

I said, “Don’t you think your teacher will like this?”

My husband said, “Or maybe Allie?”

Connor giggled a little and smiled.

I gave Dave a dirty look for suggesting that a Kindergarten boy give presents to a Kindergarten girl.

So I said, “Ok, well would you like to give it to your teacher or Allie?”

Connor said, “Allie!”

I said, “You know it says ‘Love, Connor’ on it, right?”

He said, “That’s ok.”


And now I have two problems…

1) a budding Kindergarten romance

and the bigger problem…

2) I gotta come up with something else creative for his teacher!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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