Virtual Book Club: Dr. Seuss – The Foot Book

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Last week, during my wanderings around the web, I discovered a post over on about a Virtual Book Club for Kids. Immediately I thought “I’ve got to participate in that!” So here I am! (If you’d like to participate or find out the books for the coming months, check out ToddlerApproved.)

The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss is perfect for us since Connor is a beginning reader and Evan loves to rhyme.

The Foot Book activities

The Foot Book

Each month they give you an author and you choose a book by that author. This month they chose Dr. Seuss.

The boys and I decided to read The Foot Book (The Bright and Early Books for Beginning Beginners)since it was one that Connor could read with minimal help. It also lends itself easily to discussing opposites.

The Foot Book Free Printable Game  Play 2 Learn with Sarah

Opposite Matching

I created a little matching game (foot themed) with some of the opposite pairs from the book. Both boys thought it was fun and since it only lasted about 5 minutes (their combined attention span) it was the perfect companion activity for this book.

Next time, though, I will remember to print it out on card stock. Connor figured out that he could read the words through the paper, so he was able to find pairs VERY quickly.

Download (PDF, 416KB)

What’s your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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