Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

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There are so many things that over time can contribute to sickness. I have a number of conditions that doctors just can’t put their fingers on. And more than likely it’s just years of exposure to toxins in our foods and the environment adding up to overload my detox systems in my body.

One important way to control your toxin exposure is to find ways to improve your indoor air quality. Chances are the air we are breathing indoors is full of allergens, germs, mold, chemicals and much more.

Today I have some quick tips for what you can do to reduce the chemical load in your home.

Ways to Improve Your Indoor - The tips will help you reduce the chemical load in your home.

Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

No Smoking Allowed: Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home. This includes cigarettes, pipes, electronic cigarettes, and vapes. The smoke that comes from smoking anything is full of chemicals and junk that you do not want in your home. Although this may seem like an obvious tip, you would be surprised at how many people allow vaping or smoking in their homes. Or they compromise and only smoke when the kids are not at home.

The problem with any type of smoke is that it clings heavily to carpet, curtains, and other materials. It sticks around for a long time and at times can be impossible to remove. If you do live in a home that has been exposed to smoke, consider painting and replacing the flooring, curtains, blinds, and area rugs.

A good trick I learned is to freeze the item that has been exposed to smoke for at least a few hours. It will help remove the smoke. This trick will only work for items that will fit into the freezer. Instead of worrying about how to get the smoke out, avoid it altogether by having a no-smoking rule.

Please Remove Your Shoes: Leave your shoes at the door. Shoes carry so many germs, dirt, and other grim. These are all things to leave behind when you enter your home. You can also help keep your shoes clean by keeping a doormat at the entry way. Have everyone brush their shoes off before taking them off. Leaving a decorative plaque at entryways is a gentle reminder to everyone that their shoes will need to be taken off when they enter your home.

Air Out Your Space: It is important to let fresh air in as much as possible. If you live in an area that has good air quality, there is no reason to keep your windows and doors shut. Airing out your space allows the old stale air a way to escape. It gets rid of airborne germs, mold, and even dust. Keep screens on your doors and windows to keep the bugs out though.

Change Furnace Filters Regularly: These filters catch germs, dirt, and even mold. Changing them every few months will allow more gunk to be collected and tossed out. They are affordable, and run anywhere from $15-$60, depending on what you need.

Throw Away Your Shower Curtain: Read this article that explains why you should throw out your vinyl shower curtain today. If only I had known this years ago!

House Plants: Keep some houseplants around your home. They are a natural air filter and will help clean the air inside of your home. Plants such as ivy and peace lily are great options for low maintenance houseplants.

Use an Indoor Air Cleaning System: An indoor air cleaning system can help remove dust, mold, pollen, bacteria, germs, odors and much more from your home. These are great to have in bedrooms to help make sure that your rest time is high quality.

Do you have any other ways to improve your indoor air quality?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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