Cakes, cookies, fudge…it’s easy to see how the holidays can lead to a few extra pounds – also sugar lowers your immunity and is part of the reason people get sick around the holidays.
It doesn’t have to be this way. You also don’t have to let the stress get to you or do things that can undo your healthy lifestyle. Whether you practice moderation or take time to unwind, you can stay healthy during the holidays.
Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
Remember That Moderation Is Key
You don’t have to avoid all the special treats this holiday season. This will just make you miserable. Instead, remember that moderation is key. You can have a piece of candy here and there. You just don’t want to sit down and eat a pound of fudge by yourself. Practice the 80/20 rule and make sure that 80% of what you’re eating is healthy food. The other 20% can be treats.
Exercise More Than Usual
To help prevent those special treats from packing on the pounds, make sure to exercise more often. Add more steps into your day, take the stairs whenever possible, hit the gym more often, etc. Just do what it takes to burn more calories each day.
Fill Up on Vegetables
When you’re having holiday meals – and there are usually a lot of them – make sure to fill up on vegetables. No, this doesn’t mean eating your weight in mashed potatoes. Start with a healthy salad with dressing on the side and load your plate up with steamed vegetables. If you’re at a party, fill up on items from the vegetable tray.
Get Plenty of Rest
It’s so important to get more rest during the holiday season. Pushing yourself too hard can make you feel stressed, which can cause you to reach for comfort foods. Give yourself a set time to work on holiday preparations each day and when that period of time is over, it’s over.
Drink Plenty of Water
You definitely want to make sure to drink plenty of water during the holidays. Water can help prevent overeating, but it also helps prevent dehydration from those special holiday drinks. To determine how much water your body needs, divide your weight by two. This will tell you how many ounces you need. If you’re drinking alcohol or exercising a lot, make sure to drink more than this amount to prevent dehydration.
Last, but not least, the holidays can be stressful and stress can lead to illness. Take time each night to unwind. Do something that is just for you. It might be reading a book, watching your favorite TV show, or even taking a bubble bath. Either way, make time for yourself each night.
Also, make sure that you are taking care of your gut so it can take care of you. My favorite probiotics are EndoMune. They were developed by a GI doctor here in Texas and can help keep your gut in balance while your diet may be a little out of balance.
The holidays don’t have to be unhealthy. Make healthy choices and learn to “treat” yourself with things other than food and you will have the best holiday yet!