We got LOA!!!

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We got LOA

We Got LOA!

After waiting 48 days, we received the official paper work from China this week called LOA (letter of acceptance) also called LSC (letter seeking confirmation).

On Monday afternoon I got an email from our agency saying they had received this paper and would be overnighting it to us so we’d have it on Tuesday.

All day Tuesday I waited and waited for the poor unsuspecting FedEx man to arrive. It was guaranteed to arrive by 3pm…he showed up at 2:30pm. I had almost flipped my lid by then!

But I was nice and gave him some snacks and asked if I could take his picture.

Then I threw the kids in the car and we raced downtown to get Dave’s signature and get a few of the next step papers notarized.

Then we went back up to Round Rock to the FedEx store to overnight the paperwork back.

All in all, I had possession of this most important piece of paper for 2 whole hours.

What’s Next?

The LOA is a big deal!

This gives us more of an idea of when we will actually travel. The agency is guessing 10-14 weeks…which puts us in October.

But…there are lots of Chinese holidays and trade days and traveling in October is really difficult…UGHHH!

We’re working on applying for her Visa and getting all of our travel papers collected.

It’s been estimated that we’ll receive our Travel Approval (TA) at the end of September.

So for now, we’ll just take it one day at a time…and only worry about those things that we can control.

You can read the entire saga here.

Keep your fingers crossed this goes quickly!

P2L Signature




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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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