What Am I Reading – Walt Longmire Series by Craig Johnson

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At the beginning of the month I wrapped up my Summer Reading Book a Week Challenge…and I must admit that I did a darn GOOD job of picking books!

Of the nine I chose for the list, I read all but two. This is mainly because they were actual books and not audio books (I’m a multi-tasker!).

One of the ones I didn’t read, I had a friend write the review for the blog and it was a big hit. The last one…I just couldn’t get in to. Hopefully I’ll find someone that insists that it’s awesome and I’ll go back to it…when I have time (in 50 yrs, right?).

Anyway, I like posting book reviews and recommendations (and getting them).

At least once a week on my Facebook timeline I see someone post the question, “Got any good book recommendations?”

So I came up with the idea of doing a monthly post about what I’m reading…and enjoying.

Walt Longmire Series

Walt Longmire Series

This month I wanted to share an AWESOME series that I’ve been listening to for the last year or so called the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson.

This series of books is based around a wizened, aging sheriff in the mountains of Wyoming.

His wife died a few years before the series starts and he’s coming off a serious battle with depression and alcoholism…that still sometimes comes back to bite him.

He’s trying to make it just a few more years so he can retire. He has an Under Sheriff, who is my favorite character and definitely the comedic relief, whom he is trying to set up as his successor, but she’s a woman and he wants to make sure that Absaroka County gets to know her before he retires.

But, of course, he can’t go out quietly. There is turmoil and mystery in each book and a continuous storyline that makes you invest in these characters and want the best for them.

These books are fun, funny and gripping. I am always sad when they are over because I miss the characters.

Luckily, there is also a TV series on A&E based on these books. I don’t enjoy the series as much as the books, because there’s less cussing, but it gives me a chance to visit my “friends” and see what trouble they’re into now.

Order of the Books

The Cold Dish

Death Without Company

Kindness Goes Unpunished

Another Man’s Moccasins

The Dark Horse

Junkyard Dogs

Hell is Empty

As the Crow Flies

A Serpent’s Tooth

Spirit of Steamboat  (Comes out Oct. 17, 2013)

I hope you enjoy this series as much as I have.

What’s your favorite series?

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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