What Are The Baby Goats Up To?

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Tomorrow marks two weeks since we added 2 new goats to our growing farm…bringing us up to 3 (and officially making me the “crazy goat lady”.

Since I finally found my nice digital camera I thought I’d take a few pictures of the girls out grazing and share how they’re getting along with y’all.

What are the Baby Goats up to?

Baby Goats

Our two new goats, Blossom, the lighter one and Daisy, the darker one, are actually Buttercup’s half sisters. (If you missed Buttercup’s intro, read this post.)

Jennifer of I Save A2Z first got Buttercup to add to her growing goat farm, but her two older goats weren’t very nice to Buttercup. So Jennifer asked me if I wanted her and I jumped at the chance (we hadn’t even closed on the new house/land when I said yes).

Buttercup Grazing

So when we saw that Buttercup seemed lonely here, I contacted Stacy at Kazmir Kountry (where Buttercup was born) to see if she would sell me any more…and she did! She sold me Buttercup’s half sisters who are just 1.5 weeks older than her.

Blossom the Goat

“The Girls” as we affectionately call them are twins. This is Blossom above. She has a much calmer demeanor and isn’t too worried about the kids trying to grab her.

Daisy the Goat

While Daisy is much more skittish and less trusting. She will let us pet her now, but there are days that she still runs from us. But there are days she runs to me too (usually around dinner time…lol).

Buttercup in a Wheelbarrow

Buttercup is still by far the most “dog-ish” of the 3. Blossom and Daisy are goats – they bite me because they just want to check things out. While Buttercup has never tried to “taste” me. She LOVES to be held. She follows us around and tries to interact with us. She’s super smart!

And she LOVES to hang out in the wheelbarrow! The kids get in there with her and they all just play. It’s hysterical.

Buttercup, the shy, sweet, baby goat, has turned in to a bully with the introduction of these two new goats. She rams them when they try to eat or come near us. They have finally started to fight back, but she’s got a few pounds on them…and she’s just flat out meaner…so she wins every time.

But overall, I’m not too worried about how they’re getting along. It all seems normal. I even caught all three of them lounging on top of the chicken coop next to each other this week!

I’ll work on getting a chicken update next week…the chicks are getting big and starting to explore more.

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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