What If It’s Cancer?

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Back in Feb 2016, I had some serious abdominal pain. I powered through it, but it kind of lingered and I got worried. I went to an internist who said “it’s just acid reflux.”

I didn’t feel that was right so I went to another doctor. He sent me for tests. I had an ultrasound and a CT. They both showed gallstones and the CT showed a mass on my kidney.

What If It's Cancer? - I'm struggling with a possible diagnosis and this is how I'm dealing with it.

Pancreatic Tumors

I went back for an MRI. They found that the mass on my kidney (and liver) were benign, but that there were tumors in my pancreas called intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN).

These pancreatic tumors are small and grow slowly so the doctors thought it was best to wait and watch what happens. In my research these kinds of tumors have about a 20% chance of being cancerous.

But let me tell you that living the last 8 months wondering if these tumors are growing can really mess with a person’s mind.

The first 6 weeks I really struggled. I wasn’t ready to talk about…and didn’t really know much.

I barely ate…plus everything I tried to eat gave me indigestion because of the gallstones, but I didn’t feel I was ready for surgery on any part of my body.

Making Changes

I worked hard for months to learn what I should be doing. I already was fairly healthy, but obviously it wasn’t enough. I got my health coach certification. I joined the gym and hired a trainer.

I busted my butt, but still didn’t feel I was as healthy as I felt I should be with all I was doing.

That’s when I started to really dive deep into genetics and that blew the lid off all I knew and what was really going on with my body.

I was eating Paleo with a focus on fermented foods. But my genetic testing showed that I have a gene mutation that makes it hard from me to produce the enzymes that breakdown histamine in foods…like fermented foods and meat!

So I’ve made some adjustments to my diet and my nutritional supplements and am feeling so much stronger.

Now What?

BUT…my gallbladder is still causing some indigestion and mild pain on a daily basis.

So I went back to the surgeon last week. I told him I didn’t want to move forward with the gallbladder surgery until I know what the pancreatic tumors are doing.

Most of the time I’m able to wrap the “cancer” possibility in a little box and keep it hidden away in my head, but as the MRI comes closer, it starts to leak out.

What if it’s Cancer?

Tomorrow morning I go in for the MRI and should find out on Wednesday what’s going on with my tumors.

No growth = probably not

Growth = probably

I feel strong.

I feel healthy.

I have an 80% chance of probably not.

In the last week, I’ve been researching alternative therapies for cancer. This has given me so much hope.

Alternative Treatments

There are MANY healthy things I can do if it is cancer and many things I can do to make sure it doesn’t become cancer.

It doesn’t have to become cancer. It doesn’t have to be a death sentence or mean I have to be subjected to chemo and radiation.

If you’re interested in looking at any of the research I’ve found…here’s where to start.

Cancertutor.com – There is a TON of information on this site as well as protocols. The one I’m focusing on for now is the Budwig protocol. On the Budwig protocol you eat clean, but you also include 2 tbsps of organic cottage cheese with 1 Tbsp organic flax oil and eat that daily. (If you have cancer, you eat up to 8 Tbsps of the oil maintaining the ratio.)

Cancer-Free – This book is a little expensive but has a simple protocol to follow if you have cancer and also a maintenance protocol for after (or for me I’m using it as a preventative).

Systemic Enzymes – I’ve started taking these a couple of times a day. When you take them between meals, they go in and eat the bad stuff in your body…like cancer. They help reduce inflammation in the body (which leads to all kinds of disease) and I can say in just a few days…I’ve already started to sleep better. These do thin the blood so if you use them be sure to do you research.

I’m also working on detoxing my body with glutathione iv’s, Epsom salt baths, exercise, oil pulling and juicing.

Testing – if I do have cancer, I will begin urine testing. Apparently cancer cells give off hcg (like when you’re pregnant). You can measure this by sending off samples to a lab in the Phillipines and monitor the growth/regression without scans.

I feel so empowered to know that I CAN do something to either fight or prevent cancer.

I will update you to let you know what the testing finds…


My scans showed absolutely no changes in the last 8 months…which is great! I decided to go ahead with the gallbladder surgery which will be December 16,2016. I’m continuing my nutrition protocols and hoping to even get those suckers to disappear at some point!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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