What is an MRI?

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what is an MRI?

On Monday, Maddi had to have a sedated MRI that looked at 3 sections of her body: brain, lower spine and pelvic region.

These were mostly still to rule out the syndrome…which I thought because we were doing so well with the beginning tests that this was off the table, but the urologist seems to feel that she has a mild form (insert sad face here).

Anyway, on Monday we had to be at Specially for Children, near Dell Children’s Hospital, at 8:30am (and if you know Austin traffic, you know this could be quite a feat.) We had no issues with traffic though (other than the dude walking down the middle of the highway in the construction zone) since it was Veteran’s Day and some people had the day off.

We got called back right away, but it took some time to fill out paperwork and get things going. About 9:30am they gave her the meds that were supposed to make her “tired”. She kicked, hit and spit the medicine out of her mouth (think I still have some stuck on my glasses), but within minutes, passed out.

Then they decided to try and put in an IV so that they could inject the contrast dye for the test. They wasted at least 30 min trying to do this, and woke her up (and pissed her off) before someone came and said they didn’t need it. (This was as they were about to stick her for the third time!)

So they take her in the MRI room about 10:30am. She stays asleep and I’m allowed to sit right outside the machine during the test.

Apparently, there’s no radiation with MRI’s just magnets (that are seriously loud…we all had to wear ear plugs) and radio waves. It was really cold in the room (which makes the machine work faster).

Unfortunately, because of all the messing around beforehand, she woke up with 10 minutes to go.

I was able to get her back to sleep, but when we put her back on the table, she wigged out and that was the end of that…after FIVE HOURS of trying to get this done. It was a LONG day.

I haven’t heard anything from any of the dr’s so I’m not sure what the next step is….other than repeating it.


Maddi isn’t the easiest child anyway, but give her drugs that make her tired and irritable and you have one mean, drunk toddler!

She never did throw up though…so I am grateful for that!

She was super tired, but had pretty much slept all morning long, so, selfishly, I didn’t really want her to sleep much more since I was exhausted too and needed to sleep that night.

But by 3:30pm, she was getting vicious and was stumbling around the house. I felt that she might actually hurt herself falling over from exhaustion, so I let her sleep for an hour.

That seemed to help a little. I fed her, gave her a bath and she was back in bed by 6:30pm and we didn’t hear from her until 7:30am when I went to wake her.

I’m going to have to leave you with a bit of a cliffhanger…I did call this afternoon, but heard nothing back from the dr’s on what they did or didn’t find.

She will have to have another sedated MRI to get the parts they missed and then also the urologist, as well as the surgeon, want some sedated testing to see all of her “plumbing” so they know what needs to be repaired.

We are all hoping to be able to get all this testing done this month and schedule the surgery in December.

We want to repair things before she’s old enough to remember and while we still have a normal potty training time frame.

Keep your fingers crossed and I’ll let you know!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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