Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe

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If your house is anything like mine, breakfast during the school year is a rush job.

You gotta drag them out of bed, shove clothes on them, drag them to the kitchen table and force feed them something fast just to get them out the door on time.

My kids don’t really like to eat right when they get up, but then they complain that they were hungry at school.

So I came up with this delicious breakfast yogurt parfait recipe to get them excited about breakfast and keep them full for more than 20 minutes.

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe - This is the perfect way to start your day. And your kids will beg for it all day long!


To get started with this fun little breakfast project, I headed to Walmart to the cereal aisle.

I got Quaker Instant Oatmeal in the 20 packet value pack, Maple and Brown Sugar Life Cereal and Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter bars in the 20 bar (+ a birthday bar) value pack.

Also I used my homemade yogurt recipe, but you’ll want to pick some up too (and then you really should follow my recipe to make your own…it’s super easy!). I forgot to add the strawberries I bought, but definitely add fruit if you like.

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I actually made two versions of this breakfast yogurt parfait recipe.

The first has a layer of yogurt, topped with a layer of Life Cereal and a layer of 1/2 bar chopped Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter bar. Then I repeated each of these layers but added some crushed cereal before placing the final topping of the other half of the bar.

My kids liked this one the best.

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe

The second version I made included oatmeal. This one had a layer of Quaker Instant Oatmeal (I used Maple & Brown Sugar but you can use any kind), a layer of yogurt, a layer of cereal and then 1/3 of the bar chopped into bite sized pieces. Then I repeated the layers twice.

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe

We’re not big oatmeal eaters, but this is really good! I liked it best.

This is also super easy to make ahead of time and put in the fridge for morning. (I was trying to make mine look pretty for pictures, but I bet the kids would have had fun creating their own!)

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait Recipe


  • 1/2 cup yogurt (plain or vanilla)
  • 1/2 cup Maple and Brown Sugar Life Cereal
  • 1 packet Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal
  • 1 Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter bar


  1. Make the oatmeal according to the packet instructions.
  2. Cut the bar into bite sized chunks.
  3. Cover the bottom of a glass or bowl with oatmeal.
  4. Cover the oatmeal with yogurt.
  5. Cover the oatmeal with cereal.
  6. Place 1/3 of the bar on top of the cereal.
  7. Repeat the layers two more times but when you get to the cereal crush it in your hand first and sprinkle it on top before adding the bar.
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Be sure and visit the Quaker Pinterest boards for more great recipe ideas.

Leave me a comment telling me how Quaker helps make your school mornings easier!

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Sarah Kostusiak

A central TX Mompreneur trying to hold it all together, make a difference and have some fun!

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